Semester reflection:Graphic Design


Pop Art:

For the pop art challenge we first took pictures of our classmates that we had to us photoshop too use different colors to pop. It took me around a week to finish the project cause I was very invested. Some challenges I faced was having to paint the entire image. I learned how to use the paint brush tool. That the brush work I did was very detailed. Yes I wasn't at first going to paint the entire image. I really liked this project and thought it was fun to mess with the different colors.


For the raccoon challenge we used illustrator to create a raccoon out of different shapes. It took about a week to complete the raccoon. The raccoon was very detailed and was challenging since it was first project with illustrator. I learned different tools that further my information on illustrator. On bench people told me it was very well done. I added a basketball at the end to make the raccoon more personal. I enjoyed looking at the project and realize I created it.


For this project we created an infographic, and I decided to do mine over Christmas music. I currently haven't completed the project. Some challenges I faced was how to make the different graphics. I learned different tools like the pen tool. I haven't really received any feedback wet cause I haven't finished. I have made different changes to make final sketch. Like some of my different ideas for the graphic. 


For the time management during this class I was able to balance it very well. I was able to finish my project earlier or right on time. During the free time I would go on behance and see other creators' images. I used my extra time to make some projects for myself to enhance my skills in the software. Outside of class I watch some videos of direct short cuts and tools to use. 


Some of my strengths is time management. Like I said in the paragraph above I'm able to finish my projects ahead of time or right on time. I also I want to improve me skills. I am very determined to make my project as best as they can be. These are some of my strengths is graphic design.


Some improvements I need to make is learning more technical skills. Like how to create different shapes and make the image pop. Also need to learn the different short cuts used for the programs to enhance my knowledge. I want to improve me me skills during the next semester as well.


During the semester I love learning more about the different programs and seeing my projects come to life. I would change my printing process because it different turn out like I expected. I learned some much more about the programs and different short cuts. My goal is to keep learning more about the programs. I really enjoyed this semester of graphic design. 


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